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What you need

Technology - All of my coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom/Facetime/WhatsApp/Facebook video so you will need a device on which you can use one of these platforms.

Equipment - Ensure that your device is either propped up against something or on a stand so that you can sit back from it and relax. With each session being at leats 1 hour long, your arm would ache if you have to hold it for all that time.

Comfort - It is important that you are sat comfortably, ideally on an armchair/sofa or at a table if you’d prefer.

I ask that you are comfortable so please wear comfy clothing that you feel relaxed and warm in.

Environment - Make sure that the room you are in is nice and warm and check that the lighting isn’t directly behind you as I won’t be able to see you.

Privacy - If you don’t live alone, settle yourself down in a room which has a door that you can close and make sure you tell the people who live with you that you need the 1 hour/2 hours, with no distractions.

Make sure that you switch off your phone or leave it in another room if possible.

Try and be somewhere that has little noise. The more peaceful the setting the more you can really focus on yourself.

This time is for you…”Create your space”

For you - To ensure that you don’t need to disrupt your sessions please have these to hand:

  • A glass of water

  • Tissues

  • Paper and a pencil

  • A clock

Extra touches - Added extra’s that can make the environment that little bit more relaxing:

  • Scented candle

  • Room spray

  • Crystals

  • Your comfort item (blanket, cushion, jewel, teddy etc)


The structure of a session

All of my coaching sessions are conducted using a platform which enables us to see and hear each other ie: Zoom/Facetime/WhatsApp/Facebook video.

If you don’t have access to any of these just let me know and we will come up with a solution.

We will arrange a day and a time and I will set up the meeting and either invite you by sending you a link or simply call your device at the allotted time.

Each session will begin with me outlining what we will be covering.

The sessions themselves will vary depending on what programme you are doing but I will guide you through.

At the end of the appointment I will go over anything that has been given to you to work on before the next session and ensure that you are comfortable with it.

We will then discuss the time and date for the next session if appropriate.


What next

To discuss any questions you may have or find out more about Transformational Coaching please contact me via my Facebook page or email me on to book in a free 30 minute chat.

Throughout your coaching programme I am available for you to contact via email, Messenger or WhatsApp Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

Once you have completed your programme you can receive ongoing support via WhatsApp as agreed.