Kelly to me was like finding the missing jigsaw piece. Kelly helped me put all the jumbled pieces of my mind in order and helped me find who I was.
I was very lost when I was introduced to Kelly. I just didn't know who I was anymore, what my purpose was, or even what I wanted.
I had family problems which left me feeling rejected and I was going through menopause too. My youngest no longer needed me as a taxi so l had time on my hands for the first time in years of bringing up children.
All of a sudden I questioned myself:
Who was I?
What did I want to do?
Does anybody now need me?
Why would anybody want me or even like me?
This then led to low self esteem. I was always worried about what others thought of me and of how I looked, which stopped me doing things and going places.
Then I heard about Kelly. I made an appointment and oh wow, how many times I nearly cancelled that. I am so glad I didn't. Kelly felt like an old friend from the first call with her. After talking to her I did wonder how she would be able to ever sort me out, or help me sort myself out, because as we spoke more and more emotions and jumble came out from me.
Years of held back worries and thoughts and emotions.
Every other week, I had my call with Kelly and every other week I felt so much lighter. I started to understand more about my thoughts and how they affected me. Kelly also helped me through the loss of my mum, which happened during my time with her.
My husband began to see a new me emerge, a me that had been hidden, a happier me. He always reminds me of how far I have come and what I have achieved. He is so proud, but the proudest person is me.
Mindset will always be an ongoing thing in life, life can never run smooth, there will always be things that throw us off, but knowing I have the tools to stop, think and adjust, I know I will be just fine.
I still care what people think of me, that's part of who I am, but I now don't let it affect me and that's an amazing feeling. I have also learnt that I have to put myself first sometimes, and there is no reason to feel guilty about that. Also I learnt that I can't take on everybody else's problems as my own, and I can't fix things for others. I can be a support, not a fixer.
Kelly truly helped me piece myself back together and helped me find the tools I needed to feel whole again. Without sounding corny I learnt to love myself and the biggest thing: To accept myself.
Having a life coach, having Kelly, has changed my life. I know at any time I could call on Kelly if I ever need her, if any of my jigsaw pieces slip, and she would be right there helping me.
Investing in yourself is one of the biggest investments you can ever make. I can see by doing that, how it has affected the people closest to me, and brightened their world too.